Motivation, Risks and Support for Citizenship Educators and Target Groups
Stresses, wars, covid, persecution of dissenters are essential part of the life of citizenship educators in many countries. Despite this, our colleagues continue to work and promote ideas of civic consciousness. How they manage to keep power, resources, and optimism to continue this process?
We will talk about this at the panel session of the Citizenship Education Forum. We will discuss next questions:
- How do you motivate your colleagues and target groups to develop and implement social
projects? - How do you support them in crisis and help them to keep resources?
- How do you work with risks of emotional burning-out?
This session will be practice oriented.
Participants will have opportunity to listen and talk with experts:

Nurana Mammadova (Azerbaijan). Independent expert, researcher, certified trainer of non-formal education.
Moderator of the session – rehabilitation specialist, trainer-supervisor, author of the various programs of help and rehabilitation for the civic activists, journalists, lawyers, social workers.
Working language: Russian
When: October, 21 (12.00 – 13.30)
Read about other discussions:
Citizenship Education in a World of Fakes, Disinformation and Propaganda
Citizenship education in times of war: what civic education educators can/should do
Inclusive Civic Education: How to Make a Fairytale Come True?